Chapter 3: Kuala Lumpur Goodbye Singapore – the darkest night Anna boarded the bus to Kuala Lumpur as her mother demanded. Tears welled up in her eyes as the engine roared. She sat next to the lady, whom Mei had not bothered to ask for her name. “It will be a long journey, about 7-8 hours at least. Get some sleep,” said the lady also known as Wah. As they…
Chapter 2: Pearl of the Orient Singapore circa 1960 The loud steam whistle abruptly woke Anna up from her sleep. Everyone was getting their suitcases as the train pulled into Tanjung Pagar train station in Singapore. Mei held on to Anna’s hand tightly as they made their way into the station. It was a very hot and humid afternoon. Mei had a piece of paper handwritten with her friend’s address…

Chapter 1: Adoption Mother’s Love Being a mother is a privilege, a great honour but it doesn’t come with any handbook or guidance. We mostly learn on the job, do our best and impart all we can to ensure the little ones will lead a better life and have a better future. There are women who yearn to have children but cannot, there are women who are unable to carry…
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