
Art Sticky

Nine Koi Carps bringing wealth and abundance 年年有余…


Layers of Life

Layers of Complexity, Contrast and Contradiction. Rosy on the outside to some but deep down everyone have their own complications…


Il Cuore

Infarction not ischaemic, just yet. Fix my broken heart..…



She’s tough, she’s a natural born leader, she’s a perfectionist, she takes no BS, she tells it as it is, yet she is loving, she’s gentle (indeed there’s a gentle and elegant side to her), she’s very affectionate, she will give all of her heart but, never ever cross her for her wrath will know no bounds! She displays courage, determination, perseverance, strength and resilience. She represents the modern day…


Le Onde

The waves of a tempestuous sea, raging yet the perfect setting for an adventurous surfer…


Break Free

Though she seems perfect and composed, deep down she’s broken.She’s solving the puzzle deep within trying to fix herself and break free from her broken soul.She’s the epitome of perfect IMPERFECTION!…