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By Margaux Welcome to my blog. Join me in my journey of rediscovering my passions, my life, the meaning of my life, my needs, my wants and me of course. Yes, it’s all about me (and you). Rediscovering yourself is essential. As I entered my forties, there are numerous challenges and changes, enough to muddle me a little. Midlife crisis indeed. It is normal to have pressure, strain and stress,…


7 Steps to Edit Your Life

Recognise the need for change Reassess your life and your choices Remove the negativity Surround yourself with positivity Self love and kindness Live in the now Review and reflect Your life is like your wardrobe. Sometimes, it can get messy. Decluttering is good. Every so often, you need to edit your life as you would with your wardrobe. There may be clothes that no longer fit you or have faded…