Is it written in the stars? Fate and destiny That’s just the way things are? Life is filled with complexity But butterflies aren’t always the way they are Change isn’t always the enemy From an egg to a larva Then a pupa to the butterfly Things aren’t always the way they are! Be free, be happy Be who you are Love relentlessly Be joyful carelessly Love life, live life Be…
By Margaux Welcome to my blog. Join me in my journey of rediscovering my passions, my life, the meaning of my life, my needs, my wants and me of course. Yes, it’s all about me (and you). Rediscovering yourself is essential. As I entered my forties, there are numerous challenges and changes, enough to muddle me a little. Midlife crisis indeed. It is normal to have pressure, strain and stress,…
Meaning of Life

Have you ever wondered what is your purpose in life? What is the meaning of life or even more precisely the meaning of your life? I have recently read a few books on the meaning of life and it made me think about life; purpose, value, meaning and finding my Ikigai (reason to jump out of bed every morning!). Does life have meaning? Life’s meaning often refers to the value…
Layers of Life

Layers of Complexity, Contrast and Contradiction. Rosy on the outside to some but deep down everyone have their own complications…
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