This is yet another childhood favourite. You can have wanton noodles soupy or dry and this is the dry version. With this noodle dish, the important part is getting the sauce right. Char Siu Pork is easy to make. Check out my Char Siu Pork recipe if you haven’t already. Wanton Dumplings require a little practice but all doable to create a wondrous food adventure or a food memory. You…
Wanton Noodle Soup

Wanton Mee or Wanton Noodles are very popular in South East Asia and I would say it is one of the most popular noodles. You can either make Wanton Noodles dry or in a soup. I like both – simply cannot decide. The wanton dumplings are very easy to make and you can either fry them or cook them with the broth. I sometimes add Char Siu pork to my…
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