This is yet another childhood favourite. You can have wanton noodles soupy or dry and this is the dry version. With this noodle dish, the important part is getting the sauce right. Char Siu Pork is easy to make. Check out my Char Siu Pork recipe if you haven’t already. Wanton Dumplings require a little practice but all doable to create a wondrous food adventure or a food memory. You…
Good Food

With Margaux in her London Home Kitchen Food is sustenance to the body, turning it into fuel for living but food is so much more than that. Food is an experience, food is family, food is sharing, food is love, food is kindness, food is taste, food is excitement, food is enjoyment, food is happiness, food is joy. Food is what I live for. I live to eat. I am…
Char Siu – Chinese Roast Pork

This is definitely a popular dish in the house. My youngest particularly can just have helpings after helpings of rice and char siu pork, that will keep him happy and full! For Char Siu, I usually use pork fillet but sometimes, I would use boneless pork chops as I find it is more flavoursome with that bit of fat! I don’t always use the red colouring, therefore my Char Siu…
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