Is it written in the stars? Fate and destiny That’s just the way things are? Life is filled with complexity But butterflies aren’t always the way they are Change isn’t always the enemy From an egg to a larva Then a pupa to the butterfly Things aren’t always the way they are! Be free, be happy Be who you are Love relentlessly Be joyful carelessly Love life, live life Be…
O Venezia Mia

A gondolier singing his Barcarolle down the little canal in Venice as he’s enjoying the blossoms of spring. A moment in his own dream before the dawn of the tourists.…
Girl with a Rebellious Streak

I rebel; therefore I exist. This isn’t Vermeer! Just pure simple rebellion because I can..…
Too Late

She was always there but he never appreciated her. Over time, like a flower, she withered. Without love, the pain was overbearing. He finally glanced over and she is no longer there. Anguished but it is too late, she is already broken, beyond repair..…
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