Wanton Mee or Wanton Noodles are very popular in South East Asia and I would say it is one of the most popular noodles. You can either make Wanton Noodles dry or in a soup. I like both – simply cannot decide. The wanton dumplings are very easy to make and you can either fry them or cook them with the broth. I sometimes add Char Siu pork to my…
Summer and Social Distancing

Summer has officially started today. It is quite a weird summer this year with the Coronavirus pandemic. We have no summer holiday plans with all the travel restrictions whilst air bridges negotiations are still underway with several other European countries. The pandemic has certainly changed many things, not just the economy but certainly our way of life. There are a lot of uncertainties so the best thing to do is…
By Margaux Welcome to my blog. Join me in my journey of rediscovering my passions, my life, the meaning of my life, my needs, my wants and me of course. Yes, it’s all about me (and you). Rediscovering yourself is essential. As I entered my forties, there are numerous challenges and changes, enough to muddle me a little. Midlife crisis indeed. It is normal to have pressure, strain and stress,…
Meaning of Life

Have you ever wondered what is your purpose in life? What is the meaning of life or even more precisely the meaning of your life? I have recently read a few books on the meaning of life and it made me think about life; purpose, value, meaning and finding my Ikigai (reason to jump out of bed every morning!). Does life have meaning? Life’s meaning often refers to the value…
7 Steps to Edit Your Life

Recognise the need for change Reassess your life and your choices Remove the negativity Surround yourself with positivity Self love and kindness Live in the now Review and reflect Your life is like your wardrobe. Sometimes, it can get messy. Decluttering is good. Every so often, you need to edit your life as you would with your wardrobe. There may be clothes that no longer fit you or have faded…

The political scene in the UK over the past few months is enough uncertainty for the country. Uncertainty is a precarious state. It is almost like having the sword of Damocles hanging over your head, not knowing when it will fall. Dionysius (his king) suspended the sword over Damocles’s head by a single hair to show him the perilous nature of happiness. Uncertainty hits us all at different points because life itself is…

We are 12 days into 2019. Many of us have over indulged over the festive period and we are all in the detox mode. Whether it’s a dry January or no carb January or just a simple diet change, detox is often helpful and important towards a healthy lifestyle. Digital detoxing from social media and your devices is equally important. I love the new feature of a weekly screen time…
Let It Go

I was driving in the car with my son today. We turned into a two-way street. This taxi driver drove onto my side of the road and refused to move. He gave me an insouciant look. He didn’t barge. If it were my husband driving, the driver probably would not have done that. It is pretty much still a man’s world out there sometimes. In the end, I reversed and…
Editing My Life

In a world where you can be anyone, who would you be? Who do you want to be? When I was little, I told my mum I wanted to be an astronaut. Her reply is for another day but a child’s imagination is priceless and endless. Nothing is impossible. However, something happens along the way of life as we grow up and turns most of us into cynics and changes…
Edit Your Life